OK, two new store items this week in Poptropica and one of them is free for everyone. You don’t need credits to buy it. That one is the Little Candy Cane. There’s also a huge Candy Cane outfit called the Crazy Candy Cane. That one costs 75 credits to purchase and it turns you into a big candy cane. It’s kind of like the shake and fries costumes that have been in the store for a while.
There are two brand new items in the Poptropica Store. They are the Snow Fall item and the Snowman costume. The costume makes you look just like Frosty the Snowman with a top hat a carrot nose and a cool red scarf with button eyes and a mouth.
The snow fall item makes it snow around your character. That’s really about it.
Both items cost 75 credits in the Poptropica store. Let it snow in Poptropica
There’s a new advertisement quest this week on Poptropica for the Disney movie Monsters, Inc. It’s pretty hard to do this one at the beginning because you need to avoid the agents in the yellow suits. There was just one prize at the end of the quest but Poptropica added a second one and it’s much better and makes doing this tricky quest worth it.
First thing you need to know if that you must have a Poptropica age between 10 and 12 years old or you won’t even see this quest. So make a 10-12 year old character and go to Early Poptropica and head to the right so you see the building that says Monsters Inc. on it.
Go inside the building and then run to the right and go through the double doors. Now here are the steps to follow:
Go to the right and up a platform and you’ll find the grey card.
Go all the way to the top left and you’ll find the blue card. You will have to ride up the elevator platforms to get there.
Go back down the middle (be careful of the yellow suit guys) and go to the platform right above where you start. There is a door holding device here. Click on it and select the blue card.
Go into the room and collect both cards here. Then exit and click on the door device again. Select the light blue card.
Go into the room and collect the orange card that is here. Exit and click on the door device. Choose the orange card.
Go into this last room and click on the girl standing on the left. She is the one you needed to rescue. The quest is over and you get your prizes. Hooray!
Time Tangled Island is a great early quest in Poptropica where you want to untangle the future by traveling into the past and finding certain items that have been lost. You may adventure to the different eras in any order that you like. The goal is to find lost items in certain time periods and then travel to other time periods to return them to their rightful owners. This quest is a little longer and more involved than some of the earlier islands in Poptropica. For one thing, you have to travel back and forth a lot!
The Future Machine in Poptropica Time Tangled Island.
The Beginning
When you first begin walk to the right and keep going until you reach a woman who is crying outside of Pendulum’s Lab. Click her and she will tell you about the mission.Follow her within the laboratory and then click on her to talk again. She will give you a mission printout that you can see in your items inventory.
To power up the Future Machine, walk left and down to find the power supply. Push it together to turn on it. Every time you want to use the machine, you may have to power it up again. Walk back to the door of the Future Machine, that will be pulsing blue, and click on it to enter.
The future will be in tatters. There’ll be an elderly version of you there. Talk to him / her and they’re going to give you a Time Machine that looks like a gold stopwatch.
You can go to the different eras and places in whatever order you want. The things people need will be concealed some other place in time. See tips for who desires what, where items are, and what special gear you can get.
When you have helped everyone, go back to the future. Use the hover tube and monorails to get to your future self’s SkyHome. There, talk to your future self and you’ll complete the mission and get the medal.
Time Zones
You can go to all the following time periods by clicking on the different images and then clicking on the knob on the left of the device.
2009 AD – Main Street
0328 BC – Ancient Greece
0831 AD – Vikings
1387 AD – Mali Empire
1516 AD – Da Vinci’s Workshop
1519 AD – Aztec Empire
1593 AD – Great Wall of China
1776 AD – The Graff House
1805 AD – Lewis and Clark
1877 AD – Edison’s Workshop
1882 AD – Statue of Liberty
1953 AD – Mount Everest
Who Needs What
Ancient Greece: Golden Vase
Vikings: Thor’s Amulet
Mali Empire: Salt Rocks
Da Vinci’s Workshop: Notebook
Aztec Empire: Sun Stone Piece
Great Wall of China: Stone Bowl
The Graff House: Declaration of Independence
Lewis and Clark: Peace Medal
Edison’s Workshop: Phonograph
Statue of Liberty: Statue Model
Mount Everest: Climbing Goggles
Where Things Are
Climbing Goggles: In the Aztec Empire. The guard will hand then over to you if you are wearing the Warrior’s Mask
Statue Model: The top top of Mount Everest.
Phonograph: On top of the treasury building in Ancient Greece. You’ve got to climb up onto the building that the Oracle is in. You’ll obtain it much easier if you use the Glider when getting it.
Peace gong: Hanging on the pulley system in Da Vinci’s Workshop. First climb onto the middle platform, making the top one come closer so you can jump on it. Get on the top platform, you may go down but the bottom platform will come out. Jump on it and from there jump and try to touch the shiny silver circle. If you touch it, then you’ve got the Peace gong.
Declaration of Independence: In the Mali Empire there will be a place called “Timbuktu Inn”. A document merchant is inside. Piece together a puzzle for him to get the Declaration.
Stone Bowl: Go to Lewis and Clark’s campsite. There’s a tree that has “Clark was here” cut into it. Climb the tree and wait for a beaver to come out, he has the bowl on his head.
Sun Stone Piece : On top of Edison’s Workshop. Go to the left and jump on the vehicle. Click the thing that lights up and the car will go and stop under the tree. Climb up the tree and onto the house.
Notebook: Go to the Statue of liberty. Climb to the top platform of the wooden stilts. Jump left. You will land on a ledge. The Notebook is on the ledge below that.
Salt Rocks: If you go to the Graff House and climb the tree, then jump onto the roof, they are in a bag right there.
Thor’s amulet: Go to the Great Wall of China and pass the construction zone. A man will be wearing the amulet. If you beat him in a memory game he will give it to you.
Golden Vase: Go to the Great Wall of China and take a barrel of explosives. Head over to where the Vikings are and get up onto the 1st cliff. Push the rock-pile and run. It should explode. Take the torch and go inside. You only have a little while before your torch goes out to find the vase. It will also go out if you step in water.
Costumes You Can Get
warrior’s Mask: In the Aztec Empire there is an old soldier who wants to retire. Talk to him and he’ll give his mask to you.
The Glider: Da Vinci gives it to you when you return his notebook to him.
The Viking Suit: It’s laying on the 2nd cliff where the Vikings are, use the Glider to get there.
Shark Tooth Island is one of the first island quests in Poptropica and is certainly one of the fastest and easiest to do. Here is a complete Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough to help you solve this fun and exciting adventure in the game. If you’re quick you can complete the entire quest in under ten minutes. No joke. Here are all the Poptropica cheats for Shark Tooth Island to get you going.
When you first arrive in Shark Tooth by balloon, you will be at the start of the island. First, go to the right and run all the way to the end of this area. You will see a sign that says Ancient Ruins. Run to the right and head there. It’s fine to pass by everything in this area for now because you’ll be back here towards the end of the quest. If you have time, you should really stop in the Shark Museum. You don’t have to do it to complete the mission but it’s a lot of fun to see and this is where the famous Shark Boy character is. Once you arrive in the Ancient Ruins, run to the right and jump over the big stone boulder in your way. Keep going until you see the sign for Booga Bay and then go right again.
Run right through the next short area to get to Booga Bay. There is a man selling grass skirts here. Talk to him and he will give you one. Put the grass skirt on and then go back left to the ancient ruins. When you arrive, run to the left and then jump over the big rock that is sitting on the ground in the middle. Stand next to it and then push it to the right until it is underneath the vine next to the palm tree. Jump up on the top of the block and then jump up again to grab the vine.
Buy a grass skirt from this guy in Poptropica Shark Tooth Island
Now climb up the fine and jump up on the platforms until you get to the very top of the tree. Watch out for the falling coconuts, which can knock you down. When you get to the very top of the tree, there will be a Medicine Man there. Speak with him and he will tell you that deep in the temple you’ll find a wall carving that shows you what you need to bring to him. You will need to collect all the ingredients so that he can make a special potion in a coconut for you to feed to the shark so that you can rescue Professor Hammerhead and the little boy that are trapped in Booga Bay.
Jump down out of the tree and then go to the left. There will be an entrance to the temple right there. It’s inside the big statue that kind of looks like a mouth. It has some spooky eyes in there and some cobwebs in the corners. Go inside the entrance and then go all the way down the first area with all the platforms.
The entrance to the temple.
You will be standing on the top of a big platform in a large chamber. All you need to do is jump down until you land at the very bottom in some green water. Walk to the left until you get to the end and then jump up the platforms. You will be standing next to a green control panel that will open the door. Click on the panel to enter the code to open it.
The secret with this panel is to press certain buttons, which are the teeth in the mouth. Look from the left and count them. Press the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th buttons. Then press the “nose” which is the big triangle above the teeth. The eyes will light up and then the door will open so that you can go through. Keep going through the next passageway and then you will be in another very big dark chamber. Jump and go all the way to the bottom in the green water. Run to the left until you get to a large golden shark statue. Jump up on the statue and go over it. Drop down to the left and then walk all the way to the left until you see a skeleton. Run on top of the large white bone to get it.
The mysterious shark statue in the temple.
OK, now return to the shark statue and jump back onto the top. Next, jump up on the swinging platform and then jump left until you get to the top of a platform that overlooks a pit with spikes in the walls. Stand here and wait for the platform to slide next to you and then get on it. When it reaches the other side, jump off and then head to the left. Now you will go into the final chamber. This one is really easy. Just jump down to the bottom and go to the left. You will arrive at a large pedestal with a container at the top. Jump up to get it. This is the key ingredient for the potion that the medicine man will make you. Now, jump onto the vine and climb up it to get out of the temple. Keep going up through the room with lots of platforms by jumping all the way up to the top.
You will come out right at the entry point for the island. You will be standing next to the guy who sells shark fins. You can talk to him to get one if you want because they’re kind of cool. But you don’t need it to solve the mission. You do need to talk to the guy standing outside of the Coconut Cafe. He will give you a glass of coconut milk.
Next you need to go to the right and then return to the Ancient Ruins. Push the big stone again to get underneath the vine next to the palm tree. Go all the way back up to the tree to return to where the Medicine Man is standing. Speak to him. He will take all the ingredients from you and make you a calming potion to feed to the shark. Jump down from the tree and head to the right to Booga Bay.
Walk all the way to the right until you see a cannon next to the fisherman there. Click on the cannon and then aim it over the water. Click to launch the coconut with the special potion in it into the water. When it lands in the water, the shark will appear and eat the coconut. He will turn green and fall asleep. Click on the back button to return to the main screen. Now go right across the water and you will come to a small island.
Feed the shark near Booga Bay.
Professor Hammerhead is here next to a hut. Talk to the professor. He will thank you for rescuing him and the small boy. He will ask you to lead them safely back to the mainland. Go left and they will come along. Go all the way to the beach where the woman was. When you arrive she will thank you for rescuing her boy. The professor will give you the island medallion and you have completed Shark Tooth Island!
This weekend, the Poptropica Creators added a bunch of new costumes to the game. You can get them all in the Poptropica Store. There are two new costumes for boys and three new costumes for girls. There are also two brand new items, Silly Streams and Followers: Spook Pack.
The Silly Streams item rocks. You can shoot colored streams around and they stick on things like this.
The Followers: Spook Pack item is a new collection of followers that will move around the game behind you. This collection has a ghost, a skull, a pumpkin and the bat guy from the haunted house quest.
There is a new advertisement mission on Poptropica called TinkerBell and the Lost Treasure. It is a really easy little mission where you go to a fairyland and try to find three blue moonstones. When you find them all, you will get two really neat items. They are a Blue Moon Fairy Outfit and Blue Pixie Dust.
You have to be a certain age in Poptropica to see this advertisement and I think you need to be a girl character. You can get to it from Early Poptropica if you run all the way to the right of the main area.
The blue moonstones are in three places. They are on the left in the snapping flowers, up in the tree above where you enter, and on the right in the thorns. When you get all three, return to Tinkerbell in the first room and she will give you your rewards.
Playing in the Tinkerbell Ad mission in Poptropica
Poptropica just released the Haunted House mission, and here’s a complete Haunted House walkthrough, courtesy of PoptropicaSecrets.
Here are the steps:
Go to the house and get the key from the bat.
Go inside the cellar and do the puzzle to connect the boiler to the furnace. Jump on the steam from the furnace to land on the platform above and get the draught.
Go inside the house and jump on the head of the knight with the pickaxe. Then pick up the pickaxe.
Head down to the fridge and open it. Click on the ice to get the ice cubes.
Go to the bedroom up top and click on the clocks. Sync them so that both strike midnight at the same time. Put your cursor on one to make it go faster and “catch up” to the other. You’ll get the lantern when you’re done.
Go find the spider on the floor and click on it to make it drop on the witch. She will drop her broom. Go down and jump on the broom which will let you fly.
Fly up into the attic and go to the chest. Play the puzzle game to get the last item, the chalice.
Go back to the cellar and click on the kerosene barrel to light the lantern.
Head back to the main floor and talk to the cat ghost.
Go outside and click on the hole next to the crying statue.
You’ll arrive at a huge Halloween Party! You will win 50 credits for doing this mission and you can use the costumizer to get all the costumes here at the party. It’s a lot of fun!
If you go to Poptropica now you can see that there is a small promotion in the bottom left corner for a Haunted House. All it says is coming soon, and you can’t click on the promotion. It’s definitely for Halloween (of course!) so it should be coming out really soon. It’s probably going to be a mini-island so not quite as long or complicated as something like Astro-Knights island. But it will probably be spooky and fun!
In the meantime, there are also new costumes that you can get in the Poptropica Store. They are a Frankenstein outfit, a Bride of Frankenstein outfit, and a Pumpkin Head outfit.
There is a new advertising quest thing going on in Poptropica called the Bionicle Glatorian Legends advertisement. I saw it on Early Poptropica island, but it’s probably in many of the different islands.
Poptropica Bionicle Legends Advertisement
When you go inside, you talk to the Lego Robot guy and he wants you to go get some water. No really! lol. So you go into the cave to the right which is a little bit like a maze and then you find a pool of water at the bottom and click on it. Then you get the water and jump back out. Talk to the guy at the beginning again and he thanks you for the water and gives you some cool stuff.
This advertisement quest sounds kind of dumb.
When you finish the quest you get the LEGO Glatorian Legends Mata Nui outfit. It looks pretty cool. You also get a Thornax Launcher which is a cool looking device you hold in your hand. You can select different “fruits” for it and then press the spacebar to shoot them.
Here I am in my Mata Nui outfit, holding the thornax launcher.