
Poptropica Cheats

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Hi and welcome to my Poptropica Cheats site. It has all the latest cheats and secrets for the wildly popular game, Poptropica. You can find Poptropica hints, tips, cheats, secrets and full walkthroughs of all the Poptropica islands. Plus, there are even videos and more. You can also read all the Poptropica news as it becomes available and read and answer Poptropica questions.

PoptropiCon Wallpaper

You can download the official PoptropiCon Wallpaper from the Poptropica Info/Tour Island Extras page. It features a scene from the first episode of the island, The Line Forms Here. You can see the outside of the convention center, which looks strangely quiet with only one guy standing outside the door.

Here’s a smaller version for your browsing enjoyment. Click on it to see a larger version.

PoptropiCon Wallpaper

New Costumes for PoptropiCon

These are for members only, but the Creators announced two new costumes in Poptropica yesterday. They are both available in the Poptropica Store. They are the Game Show Costume and the Lunar Colony Costume. Both are inspired by previous islands in Poptropica. From what we’ve learned so far about PoptropiCon, it will be an episodic island that takes place during a Poptropica Convention and a lot of the plot will have to do with costumes. So it makes sense to release some of those costumes early! Well, at least for members!

PoptropiCon will be coming soon!

Game Show Costume

Lunar Colony Costume

Mission Atlantis is the Next Island

Mission Atlantis will be the next island in Poptropica. It is the second episodic island, coming out straight after Survival Island. Poptropica is changing the way they do islands. Instead of launching one big island adventure at once, they’re releasing episodes of many different islands over time. In Survival Island, you played the first chapter, or episode, and now you have to wait a while for the second one. The same thing is going to be true for Mission Atlantis.

In the first episode, called Into the Deep, you are an underwater explorer who is supposed to take pictures of rare sea creatures. But you find something much more mysterious and it takes you on a new mission: the discovery of the lost city of Atlantis!

The newest episode will be here on April 17. In the meantime, you can take a look at the island info page on the main Poptropica site.

Poptropica Mission Atlantis Wallpaper

Poptropica Friends Announced

On Friday, Poptropica announced a new feature that will be coming soon called Poptropica Friends. It means you can be friends with other players that you meet in Poptropica. This includes people you already know and people that you meet in the multi-player/common rooms. Once someone is your friend, you can connect with them to share costumes, game photos, or check out their profiles.

Members will also get a special feature called the Closet, which stores up to 30 different outfits for quick costume changes.

Another part of the Poptropica Friends feature is that when you log in, you can answer things called Pop Quizzes, which are personality quizzes. Your answers make up your Personality Profile, which your friends can see. The more questions you answer, the more Personality Pieces you collect.

They didn’t announce exactly when the new Poptopica Friends features will be launching, but expect to see them soon!

Noses in Poptropica

The Poptropica Creators played a little April Fool’s joke this weekend by announcing that all characters in Poptropica would get noses whether they wanted one or not. It’s easy to overlook, but a distinguishing feature of Poptropicans is that they have no noses (really! look and see!) It was just a joke, kind of.

On Monday, the creators rolled out fake noses in the Poptropica Store. For 75 credits (free with membership) you can buy the gold card that gives you three different fake noses and glasses to wear. The noses are different shapes and sizes and the accompanying glasses are in three separate colors: green, purple and red. It’s the perfect getup for some April Foolishness.

Fake Noses in Poptropica