Poptropica Friends Announced

On Friday, Poptropica announced a new feature that will be coming soon called Poptropica Friends. It means you can be friends with other players that you meet in Poptropica. This includes people you already know and people that you meet in the multi-player/common rooms. Once someone is your friend, you can connect with them to share costumes, game photos, or check out their profiles.

Members will also get a special feature called the Closet, which stores up to 30 different outfits for quick costume changes.

Another part of the Poptropica Friends feature is that when you log in, you can answer things called Pop Quizzes, which are personality quizzes. Your answers make up your Personality Profile, which your friends can see. The more questions you answer, the more Personality Pieces you collect.

They didn’t announce exactly when the new Poptopica Friends features will be launching, but expect to see them soon!

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