Skullduggery Island Released

Wow, Skullduggery Island came out yesterday, but only for paid subscribers in Poptropica. For everyone else, the island comes out on June 17. It looks like a huge island and there is a lot to do. The biggest change is that it takes a lot longer to complete. The reason is that before you can defeat the villain Captain Crawfish and find the buried treasure at the end, you need to earn enough money (called doubloons) to build a really powerful warship and hire a good crew. That means you have to sail around a lot and earn tons of money from trading in different ports.

The other parts of the island are a lot like most Poptropica quests however. In the beginning you arrive on an island called Fort Ridley and it has just been attacked by the terrible pirate Captain Crawfish. The people are really poor and need your help. You can do that and then visit the Governor’s mansion. You’ll find a note with some mysterious hidden text. You need to find out how to read the missing text and then the main part of your adventure begins.

You can see more of the island on the Poptropica Skullduggery trailer on YouTube or read the full walkthrough of Skullduggery Island on PoptropicaSecrets. I will put together a full text walkthrough here soon, too!

Crew of the warship in Poptropica
Me and my warship crew in Poptropica Skullduggery Island

You’ll start on a small raft and after trading in the different ports you can earn enough coins to upgrade your ship. You can keep trading or battle pirates and sea monsters to earn enough coins to get a new ship. After a while, you’ll earn enough money to buy a warship and attack Captain Crawfish. You also have to find the five pieces of a missing treasure map. When you have the whole map and have defeated Crawfish, you can dig it up on Skullduggery Island and save Fort Ridley.

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