There are a lot of rumors about a new island arriving soon on Poptropica. We just got Steamworks Island and the new mini-island for Great Pumpkin, but we’re already seeing lots of screenshots and information posted on the official Poptropica blog about the next island to come out. And there’s even a rumored name for it…
Cryptids Island
Ta-da! What do you think of the name? I guess Poptropica posted a very short promotion for it last week and you could see it on the homepage for a few hours. But then it strangely disappeared. But I think that’s for sure the official name of this new island.
If you don’t know, cryptids are mysterious legendary creatures that everyone has heard of but no one can prove that they exist. The Loch Ness monster is probably the most famous cryptid, but there are many others. It sounds like the object of this island will be to seek out a lot of cryptids to prove that they exist. That sounds so cool!
Here are some of the most recent screenshots from the Poptropica blog that show parts of the new island.