In Wimpy Wonderland, you enter the world of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the books by Jeff Kinney, who is also the creator of Poptropica. In this quest, you must help Greg Heffley, the star of the books, find his little brother Manny before his mom gets home. Here are the complete instructions on how to beat Wimpy Wonderland.
- When you arrive the wimpy land you jump to your right and jump to the ground to your left then talk to the guy standing there. It’s Greg Heffley and he will tell you he needs to find his brother Manny.
- Walk to your left until you reach the Fast Mart.
- Go left to Surrey Street.
- Once you get to the house ask the guy outside the house.
- Now enter the house and ask the guy again and go to your left near to the kitchen. The guy will tell you that you need a credit card or something to open the door.
- Now go upstairs and get and examine the address book on the right room look and at the left room get and examine the Page from Greg’s journal.
- Now go to the center at the Manny’s Room.
- Inside the room runs to the left until you reach the window.
- Outside the window, run to the roof goes to the left. Until you go outside the house
- Now go to your left and ask the man and head to the left until you’re near to the Quik-Spin Laundromat.
- Enter the next house.
- Ask the woman and she will tell you that she can drive you if you shovel the driveway.
- Now go back to the Fast Mart get the Rumble Bike near the tree and go ahead.
- Follow the little kid that is Manny who climb the tree and jump on the ground and get the carrot on the ground near where the Snowman is.
- Go ahead to the right until you reach the school.
- Move the trashcan near to the see-saw.
- Get the Scrap of paper on the tree.
- And now jump to the see-saw so that the trashcan will go to the next floor
- Push the trashcan to the left until you reach to the last window and enter to the window on the third floor.
- That is the school and go to the left then go down stairs and go to the right.
- Walk a little bit and you will see a locker, Use the 9, 37, and 15, to open the locker.
- Now Get the Twisted Wizard Game Guide card
- Now go ahead to the right and leave the school.
- Now check were you are and go back to the Surrey Street and go back to the Heefley house
- Give the Twisted Wizard Game Guide to the guy that is Greg Heefley and he will ask you to return the game to Rowley.
- And he will give you a Twisted Wizard game.
- Now go ahead to the left and look for a kid that is looking on you on the window.
- He will ask you to come in that is Rowley.
- his father won’t allow you to get in. But go to the car and jump on it and go and hide to the plants near the house and when his father went go to the car, enter the house.
- And walk to the right and you will see Rowley on the bed and give the Twisted Wizard game and he will you a gift. Get the Joshie Fan Club membership card.
- Go back again to heefley house and go to the laundry room and open the door by using the member ship card.
- There is notes on the wall click it and examine it and turn off the power on Rodick’s room near the TV will walk very angry.
- Go down to his room and get the dog bowl and go out the house.
- And Rodick’s van is gone now go inside the garage.
- Inside the garrage you will see a brown thing on the wall.
- Get it that is a Leaf Blower and go out.
- Outside the house you will see a snowman.
- Use the carrot put it on his nose and use the Leaf Bower to blow out the snow.
- And he will give you a Bingo Troll, head to the right.
- Back to the school and run to the right until you reach the Leisure Towers.
- Go to leisure towers and go inside the bingo parlor you will find Greg’s Gramma.
- Talk to her and then use the troll doll, when you win the game get the CD.
- Go inside the mini store on Main Street.
- Talk to the shop owner and he will tell you about the teenagers outside.
- Click on the blue liquid, he will tell you can get it free if you can make the teenagers go away.
- Use your CD and then click on the music box near the entrance. Turn the volume all the way up and the teenagers will go away.
- The owner will give you the blue liquid.
- Go back to the school; you will see a man right of the see-saw who says that he can’t drive because his window’s frozen.
- Use the blue liquid you got from the store, and he’ll ask you to measure exactly 4 liters.
- Finish the mini-game and the man will thank you then walk away.
- Enter Greg’s house, open the curtains and he will stop playing.
- He will tell you that Manny is looking for his blanket and if you find his blanket you will find Manny.
- Go out the house and you will see Manny driving the man’s truck.
- Walk into the laundry building and you will see Manny with his blanket.
- Click on him, then goes outside and you’ll find the Whirley street kids again, throwing snowballs at you.
- Help Greg to push a snowball to squash the Whirly Street kids. Splat!
- Then go home Greg’s mum will arrive home at that exact moment and thank Greg for looking after Manny.
- Greg will give you the medallion.
- Congrats you finished the game and beat Wimpy Wonderland Island!